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Nowy Sącz

Auditorio de la Escuela Vocacional Superior del Estado, Nowy Sącz, Polonia

The Auditorium at the State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sącz is an interior prepared for a wide range of stage performances. There are inaugurations, concerts and lectures—everything that the university needs. Everything, in spectacular scenery, literally and figuratively. A special atmosphere is created with stage lighting, enriched with lamps with a classic, round shape and a diameter of 45 cm. We can also see them as supplementary lighting for the choir, auditorium and communication passages. The neutral white light harmonises well with the navy-blue velvet armchairs and the calm colour of the gray walls. In the audience, tubular wall-mounted luminaires, subtly highlight the prismatic texture on the walls. This, in turn, perfectly harmonises with the carbon structure, which covers the luminaires that illuminate it, creating a unique design synergy.